The Baby Lodge Blog

9 Effective Ways To Help Toddlers Learn and Cope With Their Big Emotions

9 Effective Ways To Help Toddlers Learn and Cope With Their Big Emotions

  As parents, we often overlook the fact that our toddlers may be small but their emotions can be big. They are after all still very young, and tr...
Feeding Toddlers: How To Avoid The Mealtime Power Battles?

Feeding Toddlers: How To Avoid The Mealtime Power Battles?

Meal times with toddlers need not be agonizing power struggles! You may have experienced it yourself or as a new mom, you may have heard a lot of ...
Do Toddlers Need Routine?

Do Toddlers Need Routine?

The simple answer is yes. But why? The most important reason is that routines provide a sense of certainty and security, which is particularly imp...
How To Potty Train Your Little One Without Stress?

How To Potty Train Your Little One Without Stress?

Learning to use the toilet is a MAJOR and IMPORTANT step for the little ones in many ways. First of all, they've gained control of their bowel fun...
The 1-Year-Old Checkpoint - Troubles Ahead Or Exciting Times?

The 1-Year-Old Checkpoint - Troubles Ahead Or Exciting Times?

One year old is an exciting age… for both the child and the parents. It is the age when they start to realize that they are not dolls. They do hav...
5 Common Household Hazards That You May Have Overlooked

5 Common Household Hazards That You May Have Overlooked

If you have pets at home, be careful that pet kibble can become a choking hazard. If left unattended in the pet bowl, it could well end up in you...
A Baby Proofing Checklist: Is Your Home Ready for a Crawling Baby?

A Baby Proofing Checklist: Is Your Home Ready for a Crawling Baby?

Most babies start crawling around 6 to 9 months old. But it is probably too late to only start baby proofing when they start crawling. There’s a h...
15 Simple Yet Effective Tips To Baby Proof Your Kitchen

15 Simple Yet Effective Tips To Baby Proof Your Kitchen

The kitchen is probably one of the most dangerous places in your home for your little one… especially when they’ve learned to crawl and curious to...